Monday, May 26, 2008

Super Delegates

This evening, I and 22 others attended the local Republican precinct caucus. I'm told there are 800 registered Republicans in the precinct, making ours the fourth most Republican precinct in Utah. (The town I live in has only 4000 people but four Republican precincts. It's actually a friendly place for Democrats - we know both of them by their first name.)

Despite our 3% caucus turnout, our precinct is allotted five county and three state Republican convention delegates because nearly 80% of the precinct Republicans vote on Election Day.

In Utah, however, Election Day is the wrong day to make a difference. In the most Republican state in the union, the State Republican convention in May and the Republican primary in June usually determine the final slate of State officers.

Super delegates indeed.

Originally posted in UNCoRRELATED Mar 25, 2008

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