Monday, May 26, 2008

The Audacity of Navel Gazing

Want to see the races working together? Join the military. They train, work, play and fight together. Their kids go to school together. They live in the same neighborhoods, shop in the same stores, and get seen by the same doctors. There are black, white, and brown generals - none of whom skipped a rank or started from the top. This is the life I know – I grew up in an Air Force family, and later raised my own Air Force family. You won’t see a more integrated community, working together, than a military base or post. Somehow this worked without whites, blacks, and browns having to prostrate themselves to the insecurities of each other; maybe that’s why I reject the propositions of those who think we do.

Originally posted in UNCoRRELATED Mar 19, 2008

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