Monday, May 26, 2008

Hillary Goes for Broke

A year ago she was boycotting Fox, but Senator Clinton's face-off with Bill O'Reilly on the O'Reilly factor was a shrewd move for a number of reasons:

1. O'Reilly is no softball pitcher. If you can face him, you pretty much can face anyone. The not so subtle message to the Democrat super delegates is she can face down John McCain and any media onslaught. The other not so subtle message: "Did you see Obama fold during the last debate?"

2. The interview highlights Senator Obama's cowardice to debate her mano el mano, and she did it by taking on someone tougher than Obama. Did I mention his glass jaw at the last debate?

3. Next to Obama, Hillary comes across as a Republican (John McCain variety). O'Reilly, however, comes from the right which frames Hillary as a leftist. Good for the democrat image when you still got democrat primaries to win.

I only saw a few moments of O'Reilly's interview, but in that part Clinton held her own. The supers got to be wondering, can Obama do that?

By the way, this really irks the far left. But then again, if you don't support her she doesn't owe you a thing.

Originally posted in UNCoRRELATED Apr 30, 2008

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