Monday, May 26, 2008

Hiding Place Shortage

She was hiding from a buglar. The buglar was hiding from the police.

In the same closet.

She jumped into a closet to try and hide from the men breaking into her house. The last thing she expected was one of the robbers getting into the closet with her because he was trying to hide from police.

But for the brief time the burglar was in the same small closet with the woman, whose West Jordan house he was robbing, he had no idea she was there — even though he was literally pressed up against her.

The women had called 911 when intruders broke into her house:

Police arrived at the house two minutes later, before the trio had the chance to get out.

"The cops were outside of the house yelling, 'Come out with your hands up,"' she recalled. "(The robbers) all came into the room I was in. They were asking each other, 'What do we do? What do we do?"

'Because police knew a woman was inside, Butler said officers went into the house for her safety rather than set up containment.

That's when one of the panicked burglars ran into the closet where the woman was already hiding, to try and hide from police.

When the woman heard police enter her room, she burst out of the closet yelling, "He's in here! He's in here!" She said the burglar didn't know what had just happened.

I would have loved to see the look on his face.

Originally posted in UNCoRRELATED Jan 18, 2008

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