Monday, May 26, 2008

Email Campaigns

Two years ago I made one $25 donation to Representative John Murtha's congressional opponent. Murtha still won, but now I've got a friend for life with the Pennsylvania Republican party. I figure they spent my wad, however, on postage to solicit more money from me. Now that they have run out of stamps they just email - daily. There are no links to unsubscribe. I might send $25 again, but leave John Murtha's email and address.

On the other hand, I take a certain amusement receiving the weekly kook fringe email from They are on a tight deadline to get Congress to impeach Vice-President Cheney before his term expires. I figure a $25 donation to this group might inflict more damage on Murtha then the Pennslyvania GOP has managed.

Originally posted in UNCoRRELATED Mar 15, 2008

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