Saturday, November 17, 2007

Romney Unfazed by Redford

Speaking of staying on message - Robert Redford makes the obligatory reference to plastic Mormons while peddling his latest movie about the war in Afghanistan:

"They are very adept at not being fazed and speaking fluently and gracefully. Why? Because every single male who's a Mormon goes on a mission for two years when they're 19 or 20," he says. "They learn how to deflect blows and stay on message. No wonder Utah is the place that all these Republican senators go. It's perfect. So when you see Mitt Romney, he's already been practicing how to deflect blows and stay on message. But it's plastic."

Mitt fluently and gracefully deflects the blow:

Well, I’m not going to worry too much about Robert Redford. You know, I must admit that I learned a great deal as I had the chance to serve my Church, and that was how many years ago? 40 years ago?
Back when Redford was still married to a Mormon.

Maybe Bob meant he liked it when Mormons spend plastic

Meanwhile, he probably wishes fazed Harry Reid had been a Mormon when he was 19 or 20 and picked up some of that fluidity and grace. Harry thought he said "Plastination."

Bainbridge detects a doublestandard

Originally posted in UNCoRRELATED Nov 17, 2007

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