Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Not News to Conservatives…

…that modern liberalism and fascism are two peas in a pod. For you liberal readers, a bit of free education from

fas•cism [fash-iz-uh m] a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
Hillary Care comes to mind - remember she would have made it a crime for doctors to work independently (Canada is beginning to throw off that burden but they seem to be well on the way to forcibly suppress opposition and criticism). And don’t forget the pillars of tolerance, our American Universities.

Old news to conservatives; but are some liberals getting it? Publisher’s Weekly, which leans a bit left, showed some surprise at liberal/fascist connections in their review of Jonah Goldberg’s new book “The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning”:
In this provocative and well-researched book, Goldberg probes modern liberalism's spooky origins in early 20th-century fascist politics…

He lays low such lights of liberal history as Margaret Sanger, apparently a radical eugenicist, and JFK, whose cult of personality, according to Goldberg, reeks of fascist political theater. Much of this will be music to conservatives' ears, but other readers may be stopped cold by the parallels Goldberg draws between Nazi Germany and the New Deal.
The author of this piece didn’t know the mother of the abortion movement was a radical eugenicist? Do they know she was racist too? The surprise Publisher’s Weekly shows is fascinating - they are supposedly in the business of reading books. If this is also news to other liberals, who somehow missed this during their university days, maybe they need to check that fascism definition again about suppression of opposition and criticism.

h/t Glenn Reynolds

Originally posted in UNCoRRELATED Nov 28, 2007

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