Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Notes on President Bush’s State of the Union Speech

Reminiscent of his inaugural speech, President Bush's State of the Union Address was cast in terms of what the nation should do to ensure “a better world for our children and grandchildren”. He stated we had three responsibilities to our posterity:

1. Be good stewards of the economy
2. Pass on Values
3. Leave an America safe from danger

He presented the following proposals:

1. Holding growth of “discretionary” spending below inflation
2. Make tax relief permanent
3. Reduces/Eliminates 150 government programs
4. Help 200,000 workers trained for better career
5. Urge Congress to pass legal reforms on frivolous lawsuits
6. Health care agenda (tax credits, community health centers, medical technology, association health plans for small business, health savings accounts, and medical liability reform)
7. Energy legislation
8. Reform tax code
9. Guest workers/ immigration reform
10. Social Security Reform
- no change for 55 above
- 4% of payroll tax into personnel retirement accounts (with government controls
11. Marriage protection amendment
12. Faith based community group focus to keep young men out of gangs
13. Reauthorize Ryan White act
14. DNA training for defense counsels

He took the following stands:

1. Prevention of human embryo experimentation
2. Up or down vote on judicial nominees

He singled out the following countries to increase democracy:

1. Saudi Arabia
2. Egypt

He singled out the following countries as sponsors of terrorism:

1. Syria
2. Iran
He singled out North Korea as a country proliferating nuclear weapons.

He outlined our goals for Iraq and stated that he would make no withdrawal timetable, as it would be artificial.

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