Monday, February 21, 2005

It's Great Having Two Papers

I guess you can say the Salt Lake Tribune corroborates the Deseret New’s headline (mentioned below) with this quote regarding Rocky Anderson:

Cox [Rep. David Cox, R-Lehi] also believes Salt Lake's mayor is anti-LDS. He points to Anderson's past statements about the religious makeup of the city council. "He has a definite religious bias and is using his position to further that," said Cox, who, like an estimated 90 percent of his fellow Utah legislators, is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Cox's comments infuriate Anderson, who said "It gets to the point of being personally cruel and hurtful." "I find it extremely troubling that a person would accuse someone of essentially being a religious bigot because that person calls for a greater valuing of our community's diversity."

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