Monday, October 15, 2007

Democratic Party Perfidy

Recognition of a near century old genocide is all that is holding up action on Darfur:

The United States has a compelling historical and moral reason to recognize the Armenian Genocide, which cost a million and a half people their lives, but we also have a powerful contemporary reason as well: How can we take effective action against the genocide in Darfur if we lack the will to condemn genocide whenever and wherever it occurs? — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), during the 2007 debate on the Armenian genocide resolution.

There is no mention if efforts to combat Sudanese slavery are hampered because Congress has failed to pass a resolution condemning the Democratic Party’s support of slavery. Meanwhile the Democrats put another brick into their house of shame as they attempt to drive a reluctant Turkey from supporting the war on terror and helping the U.S prevent genocide in Iraq. It will be interesting to see how Senator Obama votes if this resolution makes it to the Senate.


Speaking of the Democratic Party's support for slavery Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) can make amends here:Panhandling for Reparations. (H/T Kathy Shaidle)

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