Saturday, December 02, 2006

Marines from Vietnam

Originally posted at UNCoRRELATED

Press releases can be a great source for a story, such as this one from the American Forces Press Service Multi-National Corp West Public Affairs Office on a hostage rescue in Iraq. It was mostly ignored by the legacy media, though several bloggers picked up on it. Good story but I question one item:

"By rescuing this gentleman and capturing the kidnappers, it shows the Iraqi people we do care for them, their safety and their future,” said Lt. Col. William Seely, the 39-year-old battalion commander from Saigon, Vietnam.

A Marine Lt Col named William Seely from Saigon, Vietnam?

The story doesn’t have a byline here but I could of have sworn I saw elsewhere that a 2nd Lt had written it. In the military 2nd Lts are notoriously teased (think Lt Flap from Beetle Bailey). I think Col Seely probably was having fun with a young reporter.

The story was later released by the American Forces News Service but it omits Lt Col Seely’s home town information.

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