Saturday, November 12, 2005

Muslim Terrorists don't Even Exist

Deseret News and reporter Elaine Jarvik provide a front page forum for BYU professor Steven E. Jones conspiracy theory that the World Trade Center (WTC) building collapse were inside jobs and “Muslims are (probably) not to blame for bringing down the WTC buildings after all”. Unfortunately Ms Jarvik's report goes no further than to parrot Jones statements. I suppose an “Earth is Flat” expose based solely on Flat Earth Society statements is the next step for the Deseret News.

Ellen Jarvik appears not to have performed any research besides reading Jones’ paper. There is no challenge to his statement that steel buildings can’t collapse due to fire alone. I would have expected Ms Jarvik to check with structural engineers for their opinion. Much is made of the fact that WTC 7 fell even though it was not hit by an airplane. Mr. Jones claims this is unprecedented. Did the DesNews bother to check? There are probably other similar buildings that have burned but I would have liked to know if there are any that burned for 7 hours without any attempt to quench fires. If not, that certainly would make the WTC 7 an unusual case. Again, no effort is mentioned by the paper to check this.

Jones is convinced explosive squibs severed steel columns and brought the buildings down. It is hard for me to think explosive squibs were necessary for the buildings hit by planes. Surely the 767 shaped hole in one structure provides a clue. If exterior columns were severed by the airliner, I would think the same could happen to interior trusses securing floors But then if planted explosives weren’t necessary for bringing down the two larger buildings, why should I believe someone somehow snuck into WTC7 and wired it for demolition?. Further, Jones believes smoke puffs blowing outward from the building prove the use of explosive charges. Since the buildings were already burning; why didn’t the reporter ask if this could have been smoke blown out as building floors fell?” Dauntless, our DesNews reporter shows no skepticism with Jarvik’s claims. No consultation with structures or explosive demolition experts were made.

The reporter needed to ask some questions, but maybe that would have ruined a thesis running in Western papers lately - Muslim terrorists don’t exist.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Why thank you KDC. I can't say I debunked to much, you'll have to go to the Popular Mechanics article. Your right that the professor lacked valid support.