Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ending Islamic Terror

I wrote last about the IRA renouncing violence and opined that terrorism, seen in the light of Islamic terror, has turned the IRA’s supporters off on murder and mayhem. I don’t think the IRA has changed there spots.

A similar change needs to occur with the widespread support for Islamic terrorism found among Muslim communities. Perhaps the first place to start is for the US to increase pressure on the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia. This country is the Elephant in the living room that no one in the administration wants to recognize. They fund terror. Lets expose it officially.

I do believe the President is on a proper course in encouraging democracy, even if de-stabilizing, in the Mideast and among other totalitarian led regimes. The House of Saud wants to continue funding terrorism? Then, let us work to overthrow their regime.

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