Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Message Sells Itself

This effective chart, used repeatedly by Glenn Reynolds, succinctly explains a major driver behind the tea party movement. It also puts the lie to any talk by the President that he is interested in cutting the deficit. With over a quarter of a million tea party attendees, surely we can post this graph or something similar on billboards across the nation.

Heck, if the Republican party was worth two cents, they'd kick in some funding too. Of course they would have to address their "democrat light" deficits of the past seven years.

Cross-posted at Anatreptic

Monday, April 27, 2009

Another Crisis not to Waste

Keep Rahm Emanuel's words in mind as your government provides "solutions" to this year's Swine Flu crisis.

As a side note, I remember the 1976 swine flu scare, though I was living outside the country at the time. Below is President Gerald Ford setting the example by getting a swine flu innoculation:


Turns out in '76 only one person died from the Swine flu but 30 people died from the vaccinations. 40 million people were innoculated before the program was shut down within three months of its inception.

(While I point out the above, note I'm not against immunizations - I get a flu shot annually - I just have developed a sceptical disposition towards taking any government pronouncement at face value.)

Crossposted in Anatreptic.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Utah Tea Parties

Unlike the President's tax cheating cabinent picks, I pay my taxes without the threat of Senate hearings. This tax day, however, after completing my patriotic duty the Feds will hear from me. I'm heading down to the Tea Party being held at the Salt Lake City Federal Building. Look for me under the banner "Term Limits for Congress" or "Term limits = Sane Spending" (yes Orrin "Tim Geithner's too important" Hatch - you're one of my inspirations).

Are we going to have much of an impact other than to blow off steam? I dunno, but it is amusing to see two Congressmen and Utah's Attorney General are planning to crash the party as well.

If you are in Utah, join us:

April 15, 2009 Noon-2PM
Federal Building, 125 S State St., Salt Lake City

There will be a second protest from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm for those of you still intent on making more taxible income that day.

Other Tax Day Utah Tea Party Protests:

5-7 pm
US Post Office Provo (East Bay), 210 East 900 South

St George
5-7 pm
Vernon Worthen Park Gazebo (300 S 300 E, St. George)

Cache Valley
4-6 pm
Free Speech Zone
Approximately 241 North Main, directly south of City Hall/Logan Library (Grassy Area to the West of the Sidewalk).

5-7 pm
Courthouse lawn at 150 E. Main St

Crossposted at Anatreptic